Small Groups - Get Connected
Contact the church office if you are interested in getting connected with a Small Group.
Contact the church office if you are interested in getting connected with a Small Group.
Join us on Christmas Eve @ 5pm for a candlelight service as we celebrate the birth of Our Savior & King.
The Thanksgiving Fest is a soup & salad potluck lunch directly after the worship service.
Turn your clocks back Saturday night!
Registration is open. Click on the button below to learn more.
Join us on October 5th (4pm - 7pm) for food, games & fun!
Directly After the Worship Service. Childcare is provided.
EQUIPPING HOUR - Women of the Word - Doing Bible Meditation Together.
Join us as we study the Book of Genesis together.
Join us directly after our outdoor worship service. The church will provide burgers, hotdogs, chips and drinks. People will need to bring side dishes and desserts.
Join us on June 2nd for an Outdoor Worship Service at 10:15am in the lower level parking lot. Nursery & Children’s Church are provided. Some chairs will be set up, but we ask those who are able to bring lawn chairs.
Throughout the summer, our worship services begin at 10:15 am.
Directly After the Worship Service. Childcare is provided.
Join us for an Overnight Men's Camping Retreat on May 17th - 19th at Manistee National Forest at a drive-in spot near the Tippy Dam Pond along the Manistee River that is accessible by hiking trails and vehicles.
Contact the Sherri or the church office, if you planning to attend the Membership Classes.
On the night before his crucifixion, Jesus spent the evening sharing a meal and teaching his disciples. In John 15, we read that Jesus wanted his disciples—then and now—to understand how vitally important it is to abide—in him, in his Word, and in obedience. Each session in this retreat explores the importance of abiding, as well as what it means to walk with Jesus on a daily basis.
EQUIPPING HOUR - SUNDAYS @ 930AM (In the Gathering Place on the Lower Level)
Join us during our 9:30 Equipping Hour for “The Men We Need” Sunday School Class for Men
Join us for a community hang out on April 5th. There will be no structured games or activities. This is a no fuss time to get together and have some fun. No signups. No extra things to do or prepare. Just come.
Join us as we celebrate our Risen Savior together on Sunday, March 31st at 9:30am. For planning purposes, please signup now if you are planning to attend.
Tenebrea Service - Friday, March 29th - 7pm
Tenebrae is the Latin word for darkness. Join us for our traditional Good Friday service when we enter into the darkness of our Lord's betrayal, suffering and death.
Move your clocks forward 1 hour before going to bed on Saturday night!
Join us at the mid-point of Lent for an evening of prayer and song focused on repentance and a cry for God to awaken us and our city.
Directly After the Worship Service. Childcare is provided.
Congregational Meal on February 11th.
Join us for a Good Ole Church Potluck on Sunday, February 11th, directly after the worship service. It will be a traditional potluck meal. Sign-up to bring a main dish, sides, salads, bread or dessert. Sign-ups are online or on paper in the foyer near the tv.
There are two opportunities to help at Red Cedar Elementary School in East Lansing. Check them out.
Join us for a community hang out on Groundhog Day. There will be no structured games or activities. This is a no fuss time to get together and have some fun. No signups. No extra things to do or prepare. Just come.
We will be playing games, crafting & eating snacks.
The church will provide supplies for the craft.
The church will not provide snacks, so we are asking people to bring snacks & finger foods, but it is not required. Remember, no fuss Fridays.
Community night is just that, community. Time for family and friends to spend time together. You are welcome to bring games to play or crafts to make. Bring stories to tell and laughter to share. Come with no expectations, but an open heart to share with others.
Questions? Contact Heidi O’Neill.
EQUIPPING HOUR - Stewarding Your Story - Jan. 14th & 21st (Lower Level - Community Room)
God is the author of our lives, and our stories can communicate something about Him--God's work in our lives, his promises, character, and good news.
Over two weeks, we'll take time to reflect, articulate, and practice sharing our stories as an evangelical tool.
EQUIPPING HOUR - SUNDAYS @ 930AM (In the Sanctuary)
Join us as we study the Gospel of John together.
Important Schedule Info:
9:30am Adult & Children’s Sunday School Classes
Dec. 24th - NO CLASSES for Christmas Weekend. (Adults & Children)
Dec. 31st - NO CLASSES for the New Year Weekend. (Adults & Children)
Jan. 7th - NO CLASSES for CHILDREN ONLY. Break for teachers & families.
Nursery & Children’s Church are still provided during the Worship Services on Dec. 24th, Dec. 31st & Jan. 7th.